Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thanks for 2010!

I have really been struggling to find a topic for a post that would be both meaningful and true to what I believe...
But it occured to me that there are times when, as a Christian, you do not need extravagant words or brilliant gestures to bring Him glory...sometimes you just need to turn around and say "thanks".
So that is exactly what I'd like to do through this post. Reflect a little bit on the past year and say thanks to the King who walked each day with me and made such an amazing year possible.

2010 was for me a year of great challenges, of some amazing highs and lows as I aspired to step towards reaching a lifelong dream...

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a vet. I LOVE animals and to me they represent the beauty and love of our maker. It's a difficult thing to explain but often, when I look at an animals "personality", I can better understand the true nature of our Lord.
For instance, I only have to look at the dedication and absolute love that a well-cared-for dog shows to it owner to understand how I should react towards my "Master".

Ask any cat what it's feelings are towards a vet and they may not be all too complementary but I think that it is a really amazing profession.
Vets will (hopefully) look after and treat animals in a loving, kind and gentle way. While your pets may not quite understand what it is that the vet is doing, and sometimes it may be difficult or painful for the pet, it will undoubtedly come out of the vet's better knowledge, love for your pet and a will to do what is best for the animal... 
As a Christian that sentiment is fairly familiar...

This year was my selection year for entrance into the Veterinary Science degree. As this is something that Ive always wanted with all my heart, I knew right from the start that if God ever wanted to really test my faith He could use this as the ultimate test. I knew that it would be really difficult to trust in His plan for my life if something that I wanted so badly was denied for me, yet I hoped that I would prove faithful in such a test. 
I also knew that there was no way that I would be able to make it through this year without Him by my side. 

Every step of the way I have felt Him near to me. There has been many ups and downs and I chose early to give this part of my life openly to Him and let whatever must happen, happen. I cant tell you how much support and love I've had from Him and all my family and friends. It has been amazing to feel such true love.

Thankfully, my story of 2010 had a positive ending, not just with selection but also in terms of my growth as a Christian as I learnt to really trust and rely on His plan for me. It has been a very inspiring and amazing walk. 
I know without Him in my life, my path would be measurably different, so to my Saviour, I'd really like to say thank you for leading me on this walk.


(Over the next two and a half weeks, I am going to be on holiday for a week followed by 2 farm practicals where I will be working on farms. 
As such I do not feel that I will have time to put up posts so would like you all to know that my prayers are with you all and I hope that you will be blessed in this time)  


  1. Hey Bobz, your blog is awesome! I am so impressed

  2. Again, we are thinking the same. Actually, this a.m. I was reading,praying, and thanking God for His presence and help. I am filled with wonder at His amazing care and "ever present help." I always need to be reminded that when I am weakest and most dependent on Him, I am closer to Him and grow in my realization of His glory.
    You will be a great Vet and I'll be praying for your safety on the farms and wisdom as you learn your trade.
    Blessings from all of us here in the holler.

  3. All the very best to you Bobz - I have a feeling 2011 is going to be the greatest ever. May you be blessed and continue to be a blessing to everyone you encounter!

    When you get back you should have a look at my camino blog - not sure how much you know about the pilgrimage walk to Santiago - who knows, it might be something you want to do yourself somewhere in the future...

    Lotsa love from Cape Town (where the weather is just perfect today...:)

  4. Thank you for your inspiring words. I wish you well and hope you have a lovely holiday. You are an amazing woman.

  5. Hello
    Thank you for your inspiring words - and at your young age. May the Lord bless you along every step of your journey into vet school and thank you for sharing with us.

